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Part 1 - Brand Foundations

Creating a brand

The Basics.

I’m very excited that you’ve decided to join us on this four-week branding journey. Over the next 4 weeks, we’ll cover the questions and concepts Brandfirm uses to help your small business develop a brand identity. While some of these questions may seem mundane or even “duh,” it’s important to give them the attention they deserve. Often the simplest overlooked detail will cause both internal and external conflict which can lead to poor messaging, or a brand that doesn’t represent well.

What is a Brand?

First, we must cover what a brand is and isn’t. A brand is not your logo! Your logo is the face of your brand. It’s the visual element that makes your brand recognizable and relatable. If a brand were a house, the logo is the front door. Beyond the door, is it what you said it would be? How do I feel about it? Will I come back? All these concepts make up your brand. Your brand is the perceived emotional experience you promise to deliver to your customers.

Brand Foundations.

1. What is the brand or product name?

2. Are you developing a new brand, or improving a current one? Is it a company, a product, or yourself?

3. What does your brand do? Describe the nature of your product or service.

While certainly “we sell coffee” is an answer, I implore you to think deeper on this question. Think in terms of branding. Think in terms of purpose (more on this in week two). What emotional experience are you offering? Here is an example of a statement from Apple: "Apple's 100,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it."

So, in terms of the coffee house, the nature of your brand might be “to serve the best coffee to our patrons while providing a comfortable and uplifting start to their day.”

4. What are the goals of your brand in the future?

5. Why are you considering branding now?

To get the most out of this branding journey, take some time to think about the questions and develop your answers. You’d be surprised at how many entrepreneurs start a small business without thought and consideration to their brand. Clearly defining your brand for yourself will help you to clearly market it to others. Your goal is a brand that’s consistent, while still being flexible to evolve with the times.

Subscribe or come back next week when we delve into your brand purpose!

For more in-depth help with branding and marketing -

Email or call (602) 679-0198

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